Ministry of Health Employees Multipurpose Cooperative Society LTD.
MOHEMCS was founded on the 25th of July, 1979 with 79 members.
It was called the Ministry of Health Employees Cooperative Credit Union (MOHECCU)
based on credit union activity.
The Society started from scratch thirty seven years ago from an empty room in the social worker office, Victoria Hospital, Candos.
In 1989, the Society acquired an office building at 18, La Colline Commercial Centre, Candos.
In 1994, MOHEMCS acquired a part of the 2nd floor, Mystic Complex, Royal Road, Candos -
as Headquarters : measuring 2984 square feet with Offices, Resource Centre and other facilities.
It was inaugurated by the Prime Minister A. Jugnauth on Saturday 22 July 1995.
In 1994 the MOHECCU changed its name to the Ministry of Health Employees Multi-purpose Cooperative Society LTD, due to the expansion into other co-operative multipurpose activities.

La Colline

Mystic Complex

Ministry of Health Employees Multi-purpose Cooperative Society LTD
REG NO:-826/BRN F11000233
MOHEMCS is primarily a Cooperative Society which caters for the Ministry of Health Employees from the lowest to the highest grade without distinction of sex, religion, colour or creed.
MOHEMCS improves the standard of living of its members by social & economic development through cooperative based financial activities.
It is a cooperative movement that entails creative idea-based schemes & activities.
It aims at establishing a socio economic system free from exploitation from banks, money lenders and other financial institutions.
The main objective is to enroll the maximum number of employees in the Ministry of Health and to conduct all services using a transparent and accountable management system.
The Society is conducted by an elected Board of Directors who identifies new avenues and implements various methods and techniques, while taking decisions and operating various schemes and programs.
MOHEMCS’ Pledge is to generate employment for individuals on the following terms:
full time, part-time, seasonal, package pay, contractual, commission basis, retainer pay basis, allowances and stipend basis.

To serve our members with respect and provide the best solutions for their needs.
To be an invaluable organisation with qualified professionals who work as a team to serve with dignity and the highest level of integrity.
As a Democratic Organisation the MOHEMCS will encourage :
to enroll the maximum number of employees from the Ministry of Health.
to promote the economic and social interest of all our members.
to propagate the principles of cooperative philosophy, encourage savings and mutual help.
to provide opportunities for members to use and control their money for their mutual benefit.
voluntary entry and withdrawal by participating in the self management of the Society.

MOHEMCS encourages savings from Employees of Ministry of Health and gives credit and loans.
MOHEMCS offers Gainful Cooperative Saving Schemes with attractive surplus & dividends.
MOHEMCS collects savings & deposits from members and invests these funds in profitable projects, programs and schemes.
The seven cooperative principles constitute enabling guidelines that allow cooperatives to put their values into practice.
1. Voluntary and Open Membership
Cooperatives are voluntary organizations, open to all people able to use their services and willing to accept the responsibilities of membership, without gender, social, racial, political or religious discrimination.
2. Democratic Power Exercised by Members
Cooperatives are democratic organizations controlled by their members who actively participate in setting policies and making decisions. Men and women elected as representative of the members are responsible to them. In first-level cooperatives, members have the right to an equal vote by virtue of the concept, “One member, One vote”; cooperatives at other levels are also organized in a democratic manner.
3. Economic Participation by Members
Members contribute equally to the capital of their cooperatives and therefore have control over it. At least a portion of this capital is usually the common property of the cooperative. Members usually only benefit from a limited remuneration from the capital, a condition outlined as part of their membership. Members utilize financial surpluses for all or part of the following objectives: development of their cooperative; an eventual allocation to a reserve that cannot be, at least in part, divided up; members receive dividends in relation to their level of transactions with the cooperative; and support for other activities approved by the members.
4. Autonomy and Independence
Cooperatives are autonomous, mutual organizations managed by their members. The conclusion of agreements with other organizations, including governments, must be done within the conditions that preserve the democratic authority of the members and maintain the independence of their cooperative.
5. Education, Training and Information
Cooperatives provide the required education and training to all their members, elected representatives, managers and employees so they can contribute effectively to the development of their cooperative. They inform the general public, in particular youth and opinion leaders, about the nature and advantages of cooperation.
6. Cooperation Amongst Cooperatives
To bring the best services to their members and strengthen the cooperative movement, cooperatives work together within local, national, regional and international structures.
7. Commitment to the Community
Cooperatives contribute to the sustainable development of their community as part of approved orientations adopted by their members.